Heavy construction doesn’t always mean it’s good and safe; rather it all depends on its use. The new car designs, which are much lighter than the old ones, are an easy example of such fact. So it’s time to look at the construction works in our country from different perspectives. There has been so many changes and advancements in the ways construction is done in USA and developed countries to make construction work more durable, lighter, safer, faster, eco-friendly and cheaper. There is more use of recyclable, reusable, eco-friendly and lighter materials in the construction of any kind so there is less rubbish and waste materials which minimizes cost of disposal and also protects the environment. The purpose of all these are to make the construction more durable, safe, fast and cost effective. Firstly, the use of lightweight materials reduces the net weight of the building structure which reduces the cost of foundation works of any kind of structure significantly. Less men power is involved at work sites which reduces cost while increases efficiency and better finished product. Years of observations and studies of the construction techniques and materials used in USA and in the developed countries has helped me distinguish why these techniques and materials are used and what are their advantages over our traditional methods that are still used. Most importantly the use of these techniques and materials will stop or minimize to the lowest level the use of bricks which in turn will eliminate the pollution caused by the brick fields, stop the cutting of trees and destruction of hills and Pedy lands needed for the brick fields. It will also reduce or eliminate the use of stone chips, minimize use of reinforcement bars which will significantly reduce the cost of construction as well as pollutions.
Construction time will be shorter and faster since there will be very little use of concrete and the concrete of same strength is much lighter than traditional concrete. More advantages are luxurious designs and living styles are affordable at cheaper price, can change house/office layout at any time with very ease and within short time at much lower cost compared to the traditional ways. There is no mess or fuss of dirt. Renovation will be easy, simple and handyman job which can be done fast and cheap. There will be the liberty of redesigning/remodeling the designs at a low cost when one gets bored with your old design. Using the new technologies and materials, one can remodel/renovate the existing structures, beautify and give a brand new look within very short time.
For the first time in Bangladesh, we are providing the most updated construction technologies and materials used for constructing buildings and roads that are used in North America, Canada, Australia, NZ and other developed countries. We will be using Light gauge steel frames for constructing houses and industrial sheds and Light weight concrete for road sub bases and building structures.
We are providing the following services:
Economic housing plans & constructions.
Luxurious housing plans and construction.
Construction of partitions on empty apartment /office floors.
Renovate / remodel old structures, apartments, offices.
Construct temporary / permanent site offices. Provide consultancy for any kind of development sites.
We will be using durable, recyclable, reusable, eco-friendly, light, fancy construction materials that will make your construction cheap, durable but give a luxurious look. The construction materials are either fire proof or fire retardant; the structures are earth quake resistant up to 9 to the Richter scale and can withstand the power of a hurricane of category 5 or even higher as per design. Developers can have empty floors done very fast, economically and make projects cost effective. Use of light weight concrete can make the structural weigh much lower that in turn will reduce reinforcement bars, foundation requirements and also provide walls of very low thermal conductivity. The best part is floor plans, designs and partitions can be changed anytime cheaply with less mess. Light weight concrete will play a significant role in road construction works as it will make it faster and very durable at same or lower cost. These are all proven technologies around the world and have been there for decades.
Presentation of the technologies have been made to the HBRI, CTG Dry Dock, CTG Port authority, CDA, MIST at Dhaka Cantonment, MES, and few real estate land developers and private customers. The response is very over whelming and positive because the houses are earth quake resistant up to 9 to the rector scale, the finishing materials are fire proof or retardant, thus making the houses safer. Presentation was made to one of the private economy zone developers and they are interested to implement the road construction technology for their heavy road ways and the light steel frame for the construction of the industrial sheds and site infra structures. Significant part is industrial shed can be make with a clear span of 48m up to 21m high.